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I have worked here at Pulse FM for over three years give or take that time I went on what I will describe as my, ‘sabbatical’ a coupe summer’s ago. For the most part, I’ve worked along side my fellow Pulse Fm on air staffers for various lengths of time given their start of employment. 

With that said, here are some behind-the-scenes secrets you probably don’t know about your favourite south Fraser host:

Ian Power wears squeaky shoes. he doesn’t know why they squeak, but they do. Ian is also a fun guy to be around and swap radio stories.  

Vanessa Ybarra hates Banana’s. It’s the texture she says. She also tries to set me up with people she knows. It’s embarrassing most days but she does it because she was single for awhile until recently, and wants to help a guy out. She’s very sweet that way. 

Leah Holiove is either Hot or Cold and it doesn’t matter what season we’re in. She loves to use our staff bathroom as her own personal selfie studio. She also wears her sunglasses practically every living moment and is like a sister to me. 

Tara Lopes carries two purses with her at all time and two or three phones. Im pretty sure she may live part time out of her car because of all the stuff in the trunk and her family own a Pagoda. Tera is also the most thorough person I have ever met. 

I’m not sure what my fellow on-air staff here last Pulse FM have to say about me. Matter of fact, If any of them read this, I’ll just be happy if they’re still talking to me!