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We’re less than three weeks away from marijuana legalization in this country, and nobody seems to be ready. Take a look around, where are the stores? On October 17th only one government marijuana store will operational in this province, and it’s in Kamloops. Police forces can’t even agree on whether the suggested method of catching a driver who is high will actually work. 

So what will this dystopian society look like come October 17th? 

From what it looks like, it’ll look pretty much the same with the exception perhaps of the odd stoner carelessly walking down the street smoking a Big Fat Doobie. 

Oh wait, that happens now. 

Two things you don’t want to do includes travelling. Try and carry weed on you across the border and you will be busted and banned from the US. Although it will be legal on both sides of the Washington state border, the crossings are federally run and they don’t see marijuana in the US as being legal.  The other thing you don’t want to do is carry weed on a flight leaving the country. You will be permitted to carry the legal amount on domestic flights.

And let’s not even try and figure out where you can smoke and where you can’t. Nobody seems to have that answer either.

If you think Canada is ready for Marijuana Legalization on October 17th pardon the expression but, ‘You’re High.’