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Read an article in the Washington Post recently that talked about Selfies. Selfies are self taken portraits which you then upload to various social media and all of your followers are supposed to like or love them and make you feel good. For the most part a Selfie is fairly simple and safe thing to do. Unless you are one of 259 people who lost their lives taking  a Selfie between October 2011 and November 2017. 

Research done by the Journal of Medicine and Primary Care say the number one cause of Selfie death is drowning, followed by transportation involved incidents, and falling from heights. 

We’re pretty good at staying Selfie-Safe it seems in this country as Russia, The US, Pakistan see the most accidents causing death. 

Another statistic is the age of the people who have died taking a Selfie. More than 85% of people who lost their lives were between the ages of 10 and 30. It’s gotten so bad in places like India, that Mumbai has 16, ‘no-selfie zones’ throughout the city. 

If you enjoy taking a selfie that is your prerogative. When i want one I’ll just look in the mirror without my phone anywhere nearby and say, ‘click”.
