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The summertime heat continues South of the Fraser! Daytime temperatures will reach into the low thirties over inland areas of the south coast again today. Overnight lows in the mid-teens will provide little break from the heat until at least Wednesday.

While these high temperatures aren’t out of the ordinary for this time of the year, it is important to remind yourself of the importance of staying cool as best you can.

Extreme heat affects everyone.

The risks are greater for young children, pregnant women, older adults, people with chronic illnesses and people working or exercising outdoors.

Watch for the effects of heat illness: swelling, rash, cramps, fainting, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and the worsening of some health conditions.

Drink plenty of water even before you feel thirsty and stay in a cool place.

Check on older family, friends and neighbours. Make sure they are cool and drinking water

Never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle.

Get informed
– Check the local news for health and safety updates.
– For more information on heat-related illness, call HealthLinkBC at 811.
– Contact your local government to find out what services (such as air-conditioned buildings and public splash parks) are available in your area.