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Yesterday a 51 year man was crossing the street just outside of our studios here on Highway 10 by 152nd. Although we don’t have a lot of information as to the full scenario, we do know that the first vehicle that struck the man didn’t stop. Sadly, the 51 year old man was struck again and the person that struck them the second time did pull over and is co-operating with police. 

My first immediate reaction to hearing the news that the first vehicle just sped off was that of confusion and anger. I can’t imagine anyone would be so soul-less and would just take off. And then I thought about it for awhile and wondered what I would do if I struck someone. 

The answer is: I don’t know what I would do because it’s never happened. 

Just because the driver took off doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a sociopath who cares about no one but themselves. They may have panicked. If that’s the case, certainly hope they realize they have to do the right thing, and hopefully they do it before the police find them.