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If you’re a pet owner like me, you aren’t worried about yourself during this heatwave – you’re worried about your furry friend!

To make our anxieties worse, a lot of us (including me) do not have AC at home so it is VERY important to know all about the warning signs of over heating and know how you can keep your pets cool during this intense heat!

Be Aware of The Signs Of Over Heating
This is first and foremost.
People tend to notice excessive panting in pets on hot days, but that’s just the beginning of overheating. They actually cool down through panting and through their feet. If dogs overheat more they could stop panting altogether. If their tongue is dry, and they aren’t producing saliva – that’s a sign they can’t cool down.  Additionally, If your pet is unable to respond to something that would typically grab their attention, such as knocking on a window, that’s a sign that they’re in trouble.
If your cat is extra lethargic or clumsy/stumbling that is a huge sign that they are feeling light headed and too hot. Also check for red gums and tongue. This is a bad sign.
Rapid breathing and vomiting in pets is also a symptom of over heating.


Does your pet have one water dish? Give them two! Do they have two? Give them three! The more you can change the water to keep it cold the better. Ice cubes in the water is also smart – and can be a fun game if they like to play in their water.
It is also smart to fill the base of the bathtub with cold water so they can jump in and play if they please. You might get some wet furniture as a result but it is worth it for their safety and comfort!

Frozen Dish Towels
Take your dish towels, ring them out with water and pop them in the freezer. When they are extra cold, either lay them out of the floor near their pet bed, or cover them with one like a blanket! You’ll see the instant relief in their eyes. My cat LOVES this method.

Frozen Water Bottles
Self explanatory. Have these lying around the house as a cooling device for them. They may play with them or snuggle up with one. Awwwww! It’s a good idea to actually take a couple of  2L pop bottles, fill them with water (not all the way as frozen water expands) and freeze them overnight. They can be put near a pet’s bed with a towel over it to protect the animal from getting too cold. This allows the animal to lean on the bottle when they need to cool down, and move away once they’re feeling comfortable. Sometimes the 2L bottles actually keep partially frozen for most of the day, and actually stay cool until you come home at night.

Fridge and Freezer Time
This one is SPECIFICALLY for those without AC. Giving your cat, dog, rabbit etc some time beside an open fridge or freezer door is pretty heavenly for them. My cat has been loving hopping up into the freezer these past few days. But only for a little while and then he hops down. Its like an instant cool off method!

ZERO Alone Time in Cars
Recently veterinarians have noticed an increase in people calling into clinics asking what they should do if they see a dog left in a hot car. The answer? Call the SPCA or RCMP right away.  “Time is essential in situations like this, because we’ve had situations where dogs have overheated in just a few minutes,” they say. Pets shouldn’t be left in cars, even for a few seconds. It is recommended to leave pets at home or taking someone with you who can get out of the car with the dog to let him or her walk around and get fresh air.

Stay Out Of The Heat if Possible
It is best to take pets outside in the early morning, or late afternoon, to reduce the chance of damaging your furry friend’s feet and prevent heat stroke. Vets also remind pet owners that humans have evolved to be long distance runners, whereas dogs are meant to exert short bursts of energy. It’s important to be aware of the type of exercise you’re giving your pet and not overwork them (CBC News). If you have fans at home they will LOVE sitting in front of it.

Bring Your Pet to Work Day!!
Ask your boss! I’m sure they will be okay with it. I was lucky enough to bring my cat to work today and he is SO thankful! He’s currently laying on the studio floor right under the air conditioning and is very happy and fully relaxed! It has also made me feel much better by not spending the whole day worried about him at home alone in a non air conditioned tiny apartment (more like sauna). Plus, having your furry friend with you at work makes the day even better and everyone loves seeing pets at the office! It’s a win win WIN!

Beach Day or Blow Up Pools!
When in doubt. SWIM! Of course, you’ll be more likely to do this with a dog and not a cat. But if your animal likes water, being in an ice cold blow up pool, real pool, bathtub, or beach water is a go-to!


Your pets will thank you for it! Be safe, be smart, have fun! Happy summer friends! Here’s hoping cooler days are a head.


Any other tips? Message us @Pulse1077 or comment on our posts!


-Kate Tattersall