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A successful author has been studying the habits of the wealthy and has come up with some interesting finds. Over 4 years, the author spoke with 233 wealthy individuals. He asked each of them the same 144 questions. He then compiled the data and released his, ‘Rich Habits Study.’ The main thing he learned was how they actually created their wealth. All of the wealthy people he interviewed followed one of three predominant paths to get rich. 1.The ‘saver-investors’ The “saver-investors” all had zero debt, and the passive income generated by their invested savings was enough to meet or exceed their standard of living. 2.The ‘virtuosos’ These rich people were virtuosos in their career, industry, or profession. They were among the best at what they did. These individuals either worked for large, publicly-held corporations, in which a significant portion of their compensation was stock-based compensation or they were entrepreneurs/small business owners with enterprises that were highly profitable. 3.The ‘dreamers’ The “dreamers” were by far the wealthiest group in the author’s study. Approximately 51% of them were individuals who pursued some big dream and were able to turn that dream into a reality. Their dream eventually provided them with an enormous amount of income, profit, or gain. You may not be rich yet, but if you fall into one of those three categories you just may be one step closer.