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During this pandemic there’s been so much pressure to “find yourself.”

Find myself? When you don’t know when people are gonna work again, travel again, get married again, or get your roots dyed….you want me to “find myself” and write the next of Mice and Men? Oy!

Not sure about you, but I kinda feel this pandemic is about the opposite. Learning to be ok with not doing much. Day I even say…being bored!

So much of our regular everyday life is packed with errands, work, dropping the kids off at school – when is there ever nothing to do? Never!

So….embrace it! And if your kids start griping, force them to come up with something to do! You know that thing in their brain called imagination?!

Growing up whenever we told my mom we were bored she’d shrug her shoulders, say “find something to do” and go back to her whiskey. I mean water!

So, in the pre-internet days, me and my sisters would pile into my Dads mini van and pretend we were driving to Disneyland smoking Crayola cigarettes out the window ha. I hardly remember my Mom driving us anywhere, as gas money was just too expensive and there was less pressure back then to do something “epic” with your days.

Along with Disneyland trips, we had full-blown fake weddings on our front lawn (I was the bridesmaid, never the bride sigh ha) and made so many Spice Girls music videos we practically broke my dads camcorder!

Oh, the 90s!

Now – faced with the same nothingness, my fiance and me have pulled out the ol’ Checkers gameboard and have been having fierce competitions every night. For two years we never even thought to pull out the ol’ game but it’s been a lot of fun.

We also had a fun ribs night last night where we grilled some babies up and had a nice long sit down dinner. I can’t remember the last time we sat at the ol’ dining room table!  I may have had to force him since there was a throwback NHL game on the tube at the same time ha. Oh! And cross stitch! That eats up a ton of time! It’s prob. why I was single most of my 20s ha but I’m stitching a mean landscape piece right now with even Martha Stewart would be jealous of.

Embrace the boredom! Not everyone wants to be a Picasso!

  • Vanessa xoxo