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With most of us cooking at home more than usual during the pandemic, it’s a great chance to try some new recipes, but with that experimenting, comes a lot of disasters along the way!

Case in point this past weekend when I came across this great slow cooker recipe for split pea soup. I Haven’t used my slow cooker in years so I thought  it would be a great time to bust it out and the recipe was sooooooo easy, just throw a bunch of ingredients together, simmer on low for eight hours, and voila! Simple as pie, or peas!

I got up nice and early Saturday morning (we’re talking early, as in 7am). Well  apparently I got up TOO early ’cause my brain clearly wasn’t fully functioning yet.

There I started happily pulling the slow cooker out of the cupboard, filling the whole thing with split peas, onions, chicken broth water, spices, plugged it in, when all of a sudden chicken broth started spilling all over the counter! “What the **** is going on!” I thought.

Confused, I looked under the crock pot saw all the water was coming out of a hole in the bottom.  Freaking out, I turned around to grab a towel to sop it up, but ended up spilling the rest of the green peas all over the floor. The place literally looked like a bomb had gone off!

At this point I am just furious. “Why is it leaking, I’ve literally used it twice!”

A few minutes later my fiance wakes up and comes downstairs and I just start giving it to him “We spent $300 on this piece of crap and it’s leaking everywhere!”

Then Deryck bursts our laughing.

“Where’s the actual crock pot”? he asks me.

I look down and realize I had put all the ingredients in the silver pan the crock pot’s supposed to go in!!!! O.M.G. Such a blonde!!! Not only did I end up wasting an entire carton of chicken broth, and two soaking wet towels cleaning it up,  I could’ve electrocuted myself!

Sigh, trust a blonde to screw up a crock pot.

In the end I remade the soup and it turned out delicious but prob. best I stick to the stove here on out!

– Vanessa xox