Name: John Werring (Green Party)

John Werring, Green Party candidate for Surrey-Centre
Current city of residence: Surrey, BC
Age: 64
Occupation: Biologist
Political experience: No direct political experience but 35 years of dealing with politicians and important political issues.
Name the top three issues going into this federal election, in order of importance
– the climate crisis
– affordable housing and better health care for all
– making sure that families with young children get the financial breaks they need to keep their families healthy and whole.
How would you address those issues if you were elected?
As a member of a minority party with little coverage in the media, I won’t and cannot promise anything, other than being the best MP this riding can have.
What makes you the best person for this job?
Thirty-five years of experience in dealing with politicians and political issues at all levels of government. I know where they are failing us as citizens generally and I want to ensure that our citizens voices are heard in Ottawa. I am a fighter .. I will not yield to the status quo.