Congratulations to our #Pulse1077 Halloween Costume Contest Winners! They are each taking home a $100 Gift Card to Guzel Salon & Spa + $100 Gift Certificates to BBQ Nation!
And the winners are…
PULSE FM Cutest Costume Winner: Harmoni Ann on Facebook
(for her Harry Potter & Dobby The House Elf Costume with her dog)

PULSE FM Most Creative Costume Winner – Natalya Abramov on Facebook
(for her Being-Captured-by-a-Giant- Spider Costume)

PULSE FM Most Unique Costume Winner – @Nazzyland on Twitter
(For her We-Escaped-From-Alcatraz Inmates Mother and Child Costume)
(For her We-Escaped-From-Alcatraz Inmates Mother and Child Costume)

PULSE FM Scariest Costume Winner – Ravinder Vinnie Combow on Facebook
(For his Skeleton Zombie Costume)
(For his Skeleton Zombie Costume)

PULSE FM Favorite Costume Winner – Sigal Stein on Instagram
(For her Zombie-Mom-Stalks-Her-Children-So-They-Don’t-Forget-Their-Lunch Costume)

Congratulations to all of our winners! Happy Halloween!!!