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You may have heard recently, singer Billy Joel is going to be be a dad again – at the age of 68. It had me thinking, ‘How old is too old to have a child?’ Everyone has their own view on the age to bring children into the world, and some don’t want to at all. That’s ones prerogative. What people do have – opinions –  When it comes to, ‘How Old is Too Old’ according to research, the average age women are having children goes up year after year after year. A 2016 study reported the average age of parents having their first child was 26 – so home come most of my friends are waiting until their 30’s now? There’s a number of factors; including geography and finances. Although I don’t have the numbers to back it up, one could deduct the average couple in Saskatchewan probably starts a family earlier than South of the Fraser. No, not because they’re bored – because of of one big factor: Cost Of Living! Another factor that has to be considered – financial status. We constantly hear of celebrities having children in the forties and fifties, and now Billy Joel in his sixties. As an only child of, ‘older parents’, I never knew any different and it never affected me until now – now that I am the principal caregiver. Some days are tougher than other days…

Hey! Just like being a parent. Funny how that works.