Join us THIS SATURDAY, February 10th while Pulse FM will be on location celebrating the renovation completion at Safeway Peninsula Village for their Grand re-opening!
The “official” Grand Re-Opening will be this Thursday, February 8th but they will be celebrating all month!
Safeway store operator Sonny Lal and his teammates are thrilled to show you the fresh new look. Come explore what’s new in-store!
Some things you can expect to see:
- Inside of store has been fully refreshed
- New Dry Aged Beef
- New live lobster & crab tank with steamer
- New grab & go pizza station
- New pharmacy consultation room
- New all-day breakfast sandwiches at Starbucks
- Expanded plant-based, gluten-free, international, and bulk foods selection
- Expanded cheese selection with more local options
ALSO, the first 150 customers on Thurs, Feb 8 will get a $25 gift card for the Grand Re-Opening (doors open at 7am)
So be sure to come check out the grand re opening this Thursday and again on Saturday to say hi to the Pulse FM team!
See you there (check out the photos below)!
Safeway Peninsula Village, Surrey, BC
700-15355 24th Ave, Surrey
- Categories
#familytime #KidsandFamily #Memories #movienight #pulseofthecity #PulsePolitics 107.7 Pulse FM 2019 Calendar 40 4th Surrey Board of Trade Agriculture Industry Reception 50/50 70 years 7th Manufacturing Industry Reception A Capella a1 wireless Aaron Pritchett Abbotsford Abilities Acting active active aging Activies Activites Activities Adoption Adult Adults Adventure Afro agriplex Aldergrove alice in wonderland All ages All Genders Alumni americas qualifier Animal animal cruelty Animals Anniversary Antiques Anxiety anytime fitness Apple apple picking april april kids event Arbor archives archives at the farm Art Art Knapp art making Art Tour art walk Art. Surrey Artisan Artisans Artist Artist Fun Artists Artmaking Arts arts alive arts and concerts in the park arts events Arts Nursery Arts Umbrella Arts. Enjoy Artworks ASW Athletes Author Award Awards Awareness Backgrounds Ballet Balloons Band band aid Bands Barbados Barbeque Barbersho Barn Battle BBQ BC Children's Hospital BC Cup bc earthquake BC Greenhouse BC Lions BC Rivers Day BC SPCA bc wine bcpoli BCSPCA Beach bean bag toss bear creek athletic centre bear creek park lights Beautify because we are girls Bed Races bee garden Beer Beer Creek beer festival Beer Garden Beer Gardens beer pairing Bees Beginners Behaviour bell center Beverages Bicycle Big Band Big Top bikes Bingo bird watching birding walk 2019 Birds Birthday black string Blanket Block Party BlueFrog Bluegrass Blues board game Boating Boccia Body boo-seum Book Book Club Books Booth bordeaux wine Bottle Bouncy Castle bradley pedwell Brain Injury Branch Breakers Breakfast breast cancer breast cancer run bridal fashion week Broadway Show brooksdale Bryan Adams Bulbs Bunnies bunny Burgers Business Buy Cafe cake Campfire Canada canada cup canada cup 2019 Canada Day Canada Games Pool canadian canadian thanksgiving Cancer cancun Candlelight Candy Canuck Place Canucks care Career Opportunities Caregivers Cars Cash Casino Cat Cats cauvery project cauvery river Celebrate Celebration celtic fest Cemetery Cemetery Tour Centennial Museum central city Centre CEO Ceremonies Ceremony challenge Change Chaos Charities charity charity run Chat Check it out Chef's table dinner Child Children Children's children's festival Children's Hospital Fundraiser Chili Chili Cookoff Chilliwack chilliwack pride China chinese chinese dance Chipping chocolate chocolates Choir Chorus Chrildrens Christmas Christmas breakfast Christmas Day christmas event Christmas Gifts christmas lights christmas lights surrey christmas makers market christmas market christmas music christmas music station christmas parade Christmas Tree christmas tree chipping christmas wish breakfast Chronic Back Pain CIBC run for the cure Cider Circus City City Central Shopping Centre city centre day city centre library City Hall city of langley city of surrey city of surrey doors open city of surrey events city of white rock CIvic Hall civic hotel Class classic halloween movies Classic Rock clayton clayton community farmers market clayton hall Clean Clicker Training Clothing Clothing Drive Cloverdale cloverdale chili cook-off cloverdale fairgrounds cloverdale market cloverdale recreation cloverdale recreation centre Cloverdale Rodeo cloverdale rodeo & country fair cloverdale rodeo and country fair cloverdale tech cloverdale toy drive cloverrdale clowns Club Coco Coffee Coldest coldest night of the year Colitis Colouring Contest come try ringette Comedy comedy of errors Comic Community community event community festival Community Night community pool party Competition computer computer safety Concert concert at the pier Concerts concerts at the pier concerts for the pier Conference Construction Construction Show Contest Cookies Cooking Cops Coquitlam Corner Costume Costumes Country Country Fair Course cowboys CPR Craft craft beer festival craft fair Crafters Crafts cranberry cranberry festival Creative Creativity Crescent beach Crohns crush hair co crystal gala Cultural Culture Culture Days Cultus cultus lake waterpark cupcake Curling Customer Appreciation cyber crime Cycling Dance Dancing dancing at the pier Darts Hill date night davie jones elementary Day daylight savings Decorating Delta delta events Demo Demonstrations Demos Derby Detective Detox Diaper Digital diinner Diner Dinner Dinosaurs Discovery disney movies Displays Diwali Diwali Fest Dixie Swim Club DJ Dleta Documents dog walk Dogs Dominion Day don christian recreation centre Donate Donation Donations Doors Open Douglas College Douglas Day downtown cloverdale Dracula Draw drawing without fear Drills Drink Drinking Drinks Drive Drop in drop n swap Eagles early bird price Early Years Earth Earthquake earthquake safety Easter Easter Bunny Easter Egg Easter Event Eastere Eat education Egg Contest Egg Hunt Eggs election elements casino elements casinos surrey toy drive eleven australia eleven popup Elves Emergency Preparedness Emo Empower Enjoy Entertainment Entrepreneur entrepreneurs environment Environmental Evening Evenings Event Event Tales Events Events Crafts events surrey Evetnts Exhibit Exhibition Exhibits Experts Explore Expo eyewear Face painting Facepainting Fair Falcons Fall Families Family Family Day Family Event family fun family fun night family movie night Family night Family Play family sunday Fans Farm farm tots: heritage christmas Farmers farmers market Farmhouse Fashion Fashion Show Father's Day Feedback Female females Festival Festival. Free Festivals Festive Festivities Field Trip Fiesta Filipino Film fine dining fiona tang Fire Fire & Rescue Fire Fighters Fire Hall fire hall open house Fire Prevention week Firefighter charity firefighter workshop Firefighters Firefighting Firehall Fireworks First Aid Fish Fishing Fitness fitness to fiesta Flag fleetwood bia fleetwood events fleetwood festival fleetwood movie night Floats flowers Food Food Bank foodie event Football Football Camp Forest Fort Langley fort langley farmers market fort langley makers market FortisBC Forum Framework Fraser Fraser River Free free activities Free Art Classes free bbq free clothes free clothing bc free dinner free event free food free food surrey free movie night free party Free Pizza free public skating free vacation French Friday friday night Fridays Friendly Friends Friends and Family Fright Fest Frights Fun fun night Fundraiser Fundraising fundraising dinner fundraising event Funny fusionfestival Gala gala dinner Gallery Game Games Garage sale garageband Garbage garbage pick up Garden Gardening Gardens Gather Gathering Gems Geocache Geocaching Ghost Stories Ghostly Images Ghosts giant pumpkin weigh off Gift Gifts Gingerbread Girls Girls Gone Wrestling Glitter Gordie Hogg gps Grand Opening Grandparents Great pumpkin Walk green Greet Grinch Guildford Gut gym hackers hair cut hair styling haircare Halloween halloween bash halloween dance halloween event halloween events Halloween Howl halloween kids halloween market halloween movie night halloween spooktacular halloween surrey Ham Radio Hampers Handmade Happiness harvest fair Haunted haunted farm Healing healthy eating healthy hearts Help Helping Heritage heritage apple day heritage farm Heritage Week High Tea Hilarious Hip Hop Hiring hiring fair Historic historic stewart farm Historical History Hockey Holiday Holidays holland park Home Home Renovation Home Show homegrown homelessness Honour hormones Horses Hospice Hot Rod House how to be positive the right way Humour Hunt hunting Hypnosis Ice Ice Cream ice skating ideas Idol Illusions In Need india fundraiser Indigenous People Day Information Innovation innovation week Inspiration Instructor Intercultural internet Investments irish luck Jalsa Jaws Jazz Jeff Dunham Jewellery Job Job Fair jobs Join Jungle Jungle Book Juno Award kdocs Keynote kid event kid friendly Kids Kids activities kids and fun Kids Bikes kids conference kids event kids events kids events surrey kids skating Kids stuff Kindergarten KPU kpu cloverdale kpu information KPU Langley kpu surrey kwantlen kwantlen langley kwantlen polytechnic university Ladakh Ladner Langley langley art walk langley city langley city event langley city events Langley City Parade langley events langley fire fighters langley ribfest lark angels foundation Latin Laugh Laughs laughter zone Lawn Games leadership Learn Led Zepagain Legion Lego Lessons lest we forget LGBTQ Library Life LIfe Guards Life jacket Lifeguard Lifestyle Light Rail Light Up Lights Listen Literacy Live Live Music live on location live your dream awards luncheon Local Local Fundraising local university lose sleep Louis Riel Day love love where you live Lunar New Year Lunar New Year Fest Lunch Luncheon Lyrics Magic of Christmas Magical Magician Magicians Make it Safe Makeovers makers maket makers market Malarys Mall maramata bench Marathon March 10th Market marketing mary brown's mary brown's chicken Massey Theatre Massey Victory Heights Mathew Good Mayor Maze Family Media Meditation Meet Meeting Menopause messiah Metis Metis Culture Midsummer Nights Dream Mind Mingle Mini Golf Moms Monday Money Money Food Monster Mash Morning Mother Language Mother's Day mountain biking Movie movie night movie night in fleetwood Movies movies in the park MP Multicultural municipal election Municipal Hall Murder Murder Mystery Museum museum after dark Museum of Flight museum of Surrey Music music showcase Musical Musicians muslim youth dinner Mystery national tree day Nature nature work party Needy Neighbours network networking New West New Westminster new Westminster city council new Westminster city hall New Year New Years Day New Years Eve Newton Newton Days Newton Talks next steps Night Night Out Nights Nighttime no experience North Delta north surrey skating November Nutcracker Objects oktoberfest olde harvest fair On location one hour ahead online safety Open House Open Mic Opening Operation Smile optical Orchard Orchestra Outdoor outdoor market Outdoor movie outdoors Outside Owls paint Painting Paintings Papers Parade Parenting parents Park Park Play park pop up Parkinsons Parks Parties Party party for the planet paw play in the park Paws paws for a cause Pen Pencil people in need Perform Performance Performing Peter Pan Pets petsmart Photo photo booth Photography Photos physical Piano Pickle Ball Picnic Pictures Pioneer Pioneers Pitch In pitt meadows Plant Plant Sale planting Plants Play Play Fun Play Together Playground Playhouse Plays Plaza Poetry Poets Polar Bear Swim police Police Week Pool Pool Party Pop pop up junk Poppy port moody Portrait Potluck Power Soccer Powwow pre-register Pre-School Prepared Presentation preteen event Pride Printing Prize Prizes Pro D Day program prospera cinema under the stars Prrof Public public safety fair pulse fm pulse live on location PulseFM pumpkin Pumpkin Patch punjabi community Puppets Purchase Puzzle qualifier Quay queen elizabeth theatre Queens Park Questions Race radhe jaggi Rainbow Raise Raise funds ray shepherd elementary RCMP Read Recreation Recruiting Forum recycle reduce Redwoods refugees Reggae Register Relax Relay releaf tree planting Remembrance Day remembrance day family event repair event restoration restoration saturday Restored resume refresh reuse Review Ribfest ribfest langley Richmond Riding Ringette River Riverfest Rivers Day ROCHE ARÔME SCHONBERGER roche winery Rockit Boy Rocks rodeo Roller Derby Romance root beer root beer festival Royal royalton Rubber Ducks Rum Run Runners Runs saint patricks day Sale Salmon Sample Samson V Sandlot Santa santa parade Sassy SBOT Scarecrow Festival Scary Scavenger Scavenger Hunt Scenic Drive Scentopia Schools out science science superhero bootcamp scottish accordians Screening Screenings Screens sd36 sea festival Seeds Seekers Semiahmoo semiahmoo days semiahmoo town centre plan open house Seminar Seminars Send Off senior senior events senior week Seniors seniors event seniors week Series SFU sfu diwali Shakespeare Shaun Majumder shen yun shen yun performing arts shenyun Sheraton Hotel Sherlock holmes Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Crown Jewel Shine Shop shop local Shopping Shops Show Show N Shine Showcase Shows Shred Shred it Sia's Burger Shack Sick Animals Sidewalk sing Sing Along sing of fire Singer Singers Singing Skate Skating Skills skin cancer Sledge Hockey Sliding Smoking Snacks so long to summer party & bbq Soap Box softball softball city Solve sotry Sound Sounds sounds of summer South Delta south of the fraser South Surrey south surrey festival Spa SPCA Speak Up Speakers Spirit Spooktacular spooktacular newton Spooky Spooky Specter Sports sports events Sportsmen's Spring spring ahead Spring Break Spring Market St. Patrick's Day stage show stanley park Starfish program State of Newton stewardship Stewart farm sticky's candy and bakery langley Stockings Stop Smoking Stories Strategies Strawberry Street Street Dance Stroke Students Studios Summer Summer Festival Sundaes sunnyside acres sunnyside acres self guided tour for families sunnyside acres urban forest park sunwing Super Hero Superhero superheroes Support Surrey surrey archives surrey arts surrey arts centre surrey board of trade surrey canada day surrey christmas surrey christmas music surrey city centre surrey city hall surrey civic center surrey diwali surrey eats surrey event surrey events surrey farmers market surrey fire service Surrey Food surrey free event surrey free events Surrey fundraiser surrey fusion festival surrey hair surrey historical society surrey history surrey hospice surrey kids conference 2019 surrey kids events surrey libraries surrey library surrey music surrey nature centre surrey nature program surrey parks surrey pride Surrey RCMP surrey rcmp public safety fair surrey rece centre surrey remembers surrey remembrance day Surrey rides surrey santa parade surrey schools surrey skating surrey tree lighting festival surrey urban farmers market surrey youth Surrey. Park SurreyBC surreypoli sustainability sustainable sustainable living Sweep Swim Swimming syss Table Table Tennis Tagore Talent Talent Show tales from the honeycomb Talk Talks Tapas Taste Taste of France Tea Tea Room Team Teams tech university Teen Teenagers Teens Terry Fox Thanksgiving the great british columbia shakeout the mishmash bash the seabillys theater. exhibition Theatre THeme Themed swims things to do Thursday thursday artist talk Tickets Tony Award top 25 under 25 Tour Tour de White Rock Tournament Tours Tower Town township of langley Toy Drive Toys Trade Show Train Train Ride Transportation Travel Travis Lulay treasure hunt Treat Treats Tree Tree Chip Tree Chipping tree chpping tree light Tree lighting Tree Planting Trees Trek Trekkers Trick or Treat Trivia trucks Trunk Try Tsawwasen Tsawwassen uli's unicef Unicorn union gospel mission university Up Urban Urban Forest Vacation vaisakhi vaisakhi day parade Valentine's Train Ride Valentine'ss Day Vampires Vancouver veggies Vendors Ventriloquist veterans day Victorian View Village Vincent van Gogh Vintage Visual Volleyball Volunteer vote Walk Walk Peace Walking walking event Walks War Memorial warm weather Wash Watch Waterpark WaterWeeks Wave Pool Wedding weddings Wednesday Week Whalley whalley's corner Wheelchair Wheelchair Basketball Wheelchair Lacrosse White Rock white rock craft beer festival white rock events white rock moon festival white rock pier white rock sea fest WhiteRock Wickenheiser Wild Child Williams Park Wine wine events wine pairing Winter Winter Celebrations winter craft fair Winter Festival Wish Women women in business awards women in firefighting women in firefighting workshop women in history women in leadership Women's Wood Carving Work Fair workbc working women Workplace Workshop Workshops world war 1 Wrapped Wrestling wrestling ghosts ww hastings collection ymca ymca family fun night Yoga Young your eyes only optical Youth youth dinner youth event youth music youth musician development day youth musician showcase youth thanksgiving feast Youth Week Youths Zoo Zumba
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Arts General Events
Arts General Events
Arts General Events
Arts General Events
Arts General Events
Arts General Events
Arts General Events
Arts General Events
Arts General Events