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Well this is something you don’t see everyday…

If you ordered a new brand new Porsche, Volkswagen, Bentley or Audi recently, your new whip might be on fire in the middle of the ocean right now.

The Portuguese Navy has confirmed it has come to the aid of the Felicity Ace, a ship carrying cars across the Atlantic Ocean, after a fire broke out on one of their cargo decks and quickly spread.

The 22 crew members managed to escape on lifeboats and flee to a nearby Greek tanker ship, reports The Associated Press. The Portuguese Navy has been assisting in the rescue, using their helicopters to pick up crew from their refuge vessel.

The ship had left a German port on Feb. 10 and was scheduled to arrive at Rhode Island on Feb. 23, but the fire broke out on Feb. 16 and the ship was left adrift near Portugal’s Azores Islands Wednesday (GlobalNews).

People are even joking around saying that by law, it is a free for all – if you want one of the vehicles you should hop on a boat now and go grab one… but lets be real.. that would be tough, so our QUESTION of the day is: what would the boat need to have on it for you to go on a rescue mission?

Kate says designer purses!

-Scooter and Kate