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Attention dog owners! This one is for you! There is a pup cough going around and it’s important to look for signs and symptoms to keep your dog and their other pup friends safe.

The BC SPCA is warning dog owners of an unusual strain of kennel cough spreading throughout the province.

In July, Dr. Emilia Gordon came across some strange cases of illness in dogs. The pups were showing symptoms of kennel cough, but when tested for known viruses and bacteria, the tests claimed they were not sick at all.

“After consulting with specialists, we believe the cause could be a virus that isn’t detected by commercially available tests.” Dr. Gordon said.

There have been 24 recorded cases across the BC SPCA facilities since this phenomenon was discovered in July, with more case reports coming in from communities across B.C., particularly from Kamloops.

“None of the dogs have become seriously ill and all are recovering, but the concerning aspect of these cases is how aggressively the disease has spread between dogs, even if they weren’t in close contact,” says Dr. Gordon.

The SPCA encourages dog owners to isolate their pets if they begin coughing and consult their veterinarian for further instruction (

Learn more about kennel cough HERE.

Give your pup a hug for me! Hope they stay well and avoid this scary strain of kennel cough! Also, be sure to spread the word to your other dog parent friends.
