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Well, summer is in full swing! For many of us, we have a road trip or two in mind with the upcoming long weekends we have to look forward to. But, you might want to look out for gas coupons or wish for gas gift card presents for the next little while…

A gas price analyst says fuel prices hit an all-time high in Metro-Vancouver today, while average prices in Canada are up 30 cents since the beginning of the year.

Dan McTeague, president of Canadians for Affordable Energy, says average gas prices in Vancouver reached a dollar-74 today. McTeague says he expects prices to climb even higher as airline travel picks up and the easing of pandemic restrictions increases demand for fuel.

The ongoing heat wave in the western part of the continent has also added pressure, with some refineries at lower operating levels.

Side anecdote: When I was leaving the beach last weekend, I noticed my car was low on fuel. So, I google mapped the nearest station which was a Shell. Upon arrival I found out that EVERY pump was out of order. I’ve been driving for many years and that was the first time I’ve ever seen a gas station….. out of gas… haha!

So with my gas light on and dinging at me I crossed my fingers that the next closest station would be a more successful visit. Luckily it was! But take this as a lesson if you are low on fuel like I was… it may be worth it to brave the high prices now so you aren’t struggling to find gas during the shortage that is going on.


Will you be postponing any road trip plans until gas prices decrease? Do you not mind the new price? Will you be using your car less and using transit more? Join the conversation on our social media platforms @Pulse1077!

-Kate Tattersall