Oh Netflix.. What a love hate relationship we have.. They KNOW we can’t say no, so the prices go up. I love NEtflix, I think as a streaming service they got it figured out, the functionality is great, the shows they buy are great the shows they create are netertianing, so I couldn’t part with it.. But they just KEEP raising the prices!!
Here’s what the new pricing scheme looks like:
Netflix Canada
To break down the new prices, standard has increased to $16.49, up from $14.99, and premium is now $20.99, up from $18.99. The cost for a basic plan remains the same at $9.99.
Existing members will also be notified by email, and within the Netflix app, 30 days before the new prices are set to be applied to their accounts. Timing depends on the member’s billing cycle.
Some customers received emails Monday morning saying that price hikes will take effect on March 14… Happy Watching!