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YAY! I really hope this is something they can for sure follow through on. Just in time for holiday shopping as well!

Daily Hive is calling it good news for businesses and families that “have suffered under the continued border shutdown,” an American Congressman announced late Tuesday that the US-Canada land border would soon re-open for non-essential travel.

Brian Higgins said on Twitter that fully-vaccinated Canadians will be allowed to cross into the US by land border starting in November.

“At long last, there is action by the U.S. to open the doors [and] welcome back our Canadian neighbours,” Higgins, a New York representative, said.

The 19-month shutdown has been financially devastating for businesses who rely on cross-border partnerships, and heart-wrenching for families forced apart, Higgins said.

Canada re-opened its land borders to US tourists on August 9 (DailyHive Vancouver via Instagram).


Trader Joes, Target, Dunkin’ Doughnuts – HERE WE COME!


Will you be taking a road trip to the states soon? Join the conversation on Facebook @Pulse1077!

