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28 new COVID-19 cases were announced Friday, a large number of those cases 20 to 30 year olds!

It’s pretty scary,…us “young people” like to think we’re invincible from the virus, but as we learn more about it everyday, the truth is no one really is immune!

Dr. Bonnie Henry says a big culprit of the cases is young people not social distancing, whether it’s at parties, pub hangouts…the message to Bonnie –  you can’t tell us what to do!! YOLO!!

To try and drill into their brain’s the importance of staying apart, Henry has gone so far as to say we need to protect each other the same way we don’t let each our friends drive drunk.

Heavy words, but will they work?

Myself – I have a few other ideas up my sleeve….

Anyone caught not social distancing automatically has their license taken away for a week! That oughta shake up young Timmy.

If that doesn’t do the trick tell them COVID-19 zaps away your libodo…FOREVER! Moi ha ha!

What would YOU do to try and drive the message home?!

Weigh in on our Facebook page!

– Vanessa xox
@VanessaLYbarra (Insta)